Anyone can have aesthetics done. No need to be a Functional Medicine patient. Call today to schedule a free consultation!
Watch Dr. Christie Apply Lip Filler
before and after pictures
- Forehead, Brows and Eyes
- Lips, Mouth and Smile
- Nasolabial Folds
- All
Forehead, Eyes, Brows
Lip Enhancement
Lip Flip and Enhancement
Gummy Smile
Wrinkles Around Mouth
Nasolabial Folds
TMJ/ Clenching of Jaw
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What Products Are Offered and What is the Difference Between Them?
–Juvederm Ultra XC is an excellent option for anyone who wants to add volume for mild to moderate facial lines and wrinkles such as nasolabial folds and marionette lines. It is also a great product to add volume and definition to the lips with results that typically last 6-9 months. This product is offered in both 1.0 ml and 0.55 ml sized syringes.
– Juvederm Ultra Plus XC has a larger particle size and is perfect for the deeper folds and wrinkles. It is similar to it’s counterpart, Juvederm Ultra XC as it treats the same areas of the face as well as lip enhancements with results that generally last 6-9 months. This product comes in the standard 1.0 ml syringe size.
– Juvederm Volbella XC has the longest effects compared to the other dermal fillers with results that typically last for up to 9-12 months. Juvederm Volbella XC has the thinnest and most spreadable hyaluronic acid gel that mimics the natural feel of your lips. As a result, it is best used for lip enhancements and smoothing fine radial lip lines around the mouth. This product is offered in both 1.0 ml and 0.55 ml sized syringes.
– Belotero Balance is a hyaluronic acid product similar to Juvederm and is used in the same areas for facial wrinkles and folds. This product does not contain lidocaine, so would be a better choice for those who have allergies or sensitivities to lidocaine. It can also be used for lip enhancement and volume as well as vertical lines around the lips.
Neuromuscular Blockers
– Botox and Xeomin block the neuromuscular junction to smooth wrinkles formed from the muscles we use for facial expressions. These areas include worry lines (forehead), frown lines (brow), smile lines or “crow’s feet” (around lateral eyes), and radial lip lines (vertical lines radiating outwards from the lips). Dr. Christie uses Botox and Xeomin for less commonly known treatments as well which include gummy smile (where the upper gums are prominent with smiling) and downturned lips. Non-aesthetic uses include TMJ or clenching the jaw and some forms of headaches. Patients who struggle with these report that this treatment has allowed them to not only look their best, but feel their best too with results that typically last for 4-6 months.
What are neuro-muscular blockers such as Botox and Xeomin?
Receiving neuromuscular blockers is non-surgical and takes about 30 minutes although this varies depending on how many areas are treated. There’s no need for anesthesia or down time. The injections are made using a very fine needle and are virtually painless.
What do neuromuscular blockers treat?
- Frontalis muscle – forehead or worry lines.
- Glabellar area – frown lines between the eyebrows.
- Crow’s feet – lines around lateral corners of eyes.
- Radial lip lines – water bottle lines, smoker’s lines around the mouth.
- Gummy smile – covering the upper gums when fully smiling for those whose upper gums easily show with full smiles.
- Downturned lips – softening the downturning of lips that can happen with age.
Non-aesthetic: Neuromuscular blockers have important non-aesthetic clinical uses as an adjunct treatment in facial pain from bruxism (teeth clenching) and tension headaches for headaches in the distribution of the temporalis muscle. The effects in these regions are generally around 3 months. This is not as long-lived as the other facial regions since the product is more easily broken down due to increased use of these muscles that assist with chewing. Location of injections:
- Masseter muscles (jaw line) – for bruxism, clenching teeth.
- Temporalis muscle – an adjunct for tension headaches in this region.
How long does it take to see results? How long do results last?
Generally, results are visible within three to ten days. To reduce the possibility of bruising/swelling, it is recommended to avoid alcohol for at least 24 hours and aspirin/anti-inflammatory medications for a period of two weeks prior to the procedure. As always, consult your prescribing physician before stopping any medications.
The aesthetic effects of NMBs typically last three to four months. As the treated muscles regain movement, lines and wrinkles will begin to reappear and require retreatment.
What are the side effects of neuromuscular blockers?
What are dermal fillers?
We use FDA approved, hyaluronic acid-based, cosmetic dermal fillers because this type of filler is among the safest and the results are immediate. Dermal fillers add volume to weakened facial features and can stimulate collagen growth. There is also a near-zero risk of an allergic reaction, because it’s a naturally occurring substance in the human body. Additionally, hyaluronic acid-based injectable fillers are reversible. Though it’s exceedingly rare, we can safely dissolve the filler at a future appointment if needed.
What areas can dermal fillers treat?
Dermal fillers temporarily smooth wrinkles and fine lines, adds volume and provide a non-surgical, anti-aging treatment for men and women to achieve a more relaxed and smooth facial appearance while still having the freedom of expression. As skin ages, it begins to lose collagen filled with hyaluronic acid. Collagen and hyaluronic acid add structure and volume to the face, therefore a lack of hyaluronic acid causes the skin to sag and form static wrinkles. Additionally, they are used as a lip filler to add volume. Dermal fillers are used for for the following:
- Lip filler – adds volume to lips and may be used in adult patients of all ages.
- Nasolabial folds – the lines that go from the nose to the mouth.
- Marionette and commissure lines – the lines that go from the lips towards the chin or radiate from the corners of the mouth.
- Fine wrinkles around the mouth with Juvederm Vobella.
How long does the procedure take? How long will the effects last?
The effects are longer lasting so you can keep your improved appearance from 6 – 9 months, possibly up to 12. Please note, duration is based on the manufacturer and independent studies. Actual duration may be affected by area injected, the mobility of area injected, physical activity level, smoking status, among other factors. The lip fillers will not last as long, for about 4-6 months. The increased activity level with the lips with eating, drinking, and talking, etc. causes the filler to wear down faster than in other areas of the face.
What are the risks of dermal fillers?
As with any procedure, there are possible risks which are usually very minimal and resolve quickly. The most common risks are post-procedure swelling, slight bruising and/or inflammation around the injection sites.
What should I expect from my appointment?
The longer a patient has been receiving NMB injections, the less product they require over time. This is because the treated muscles decrease in size from inactivity and small muscles require less product than large muscles. First-time NMB patients typically see results that last between 3-4 months.
Treatment for NMBs and filler requires minimal downtime or recovery; you’ll be able to go about your usual routine after you leave although going to the gym, for a massage or out in the sun for the next 4 hours post-procedure is not recommended as this may displace the material injected.
The filler results are seen immediately. You may, however, have some post-procedural swelling or bruising which are the most common side effects with filler treatments and generally resolve within 10-14 days.
What is the Pricing?
No two faces are the same and each treatment plan is unique depending on what and how much you would like done. We invite you to contact us for further information and to schedule a free consultation with Dr. Christie for your treatment recommendations. You and Dr. Christie will discuss your expectations and you will be provided with a custom treatment plan designed especially for you with pricing discussed prior to the procedure. Contact us today for a revitalized you!